My words of advice to a fellow geek disillusioned with Star Wars . . .

. . . because of bullying he received as a youth:


I say give the original trilogy another shot. You may be surprised by just how good it is. I went through something similar when I was a teenager, not because I was picked on by others for my love of SW (I was picked on for entirely different reasons) but because I associated it with my childhood and childishness in general. I lumped it in with GI Joe and Transformers. I was an adult now, by the gods. On to adult stuff!

Well, in my early twenties I wondered. Was the Star Wars that I loved and was so infatuated with as a kid really kid-stuff . . . or was it good? Was it something to be cherished as an adult, too?

So, breathless with anticipation and nervousness, I put the video into the (yes) VCR and watched the first movie . . . and then the second . . . and the third . . . and by the end of it I was overjoyed. Star Wars wasn’t just good. It was great. My childhood was redeemed, and I’ve loved Star War unabashedly ever since.

The prequels didn’t help. The prequels took some of the air out. As did the Special Editions. But fuck it, I’ve got my fan restorations of the OT, and they rock.

Star Wars rocks.

And hopefully Star Wars rock on this December.

