Behold! The corrected map of the world of THE ATOMIC SEA!

When I first received the map, there were many errors on it and I had to send it back. This was just days before the initial release of “The Atomic Sea: Part One”. I finally got it back the day before release only to see it still had many errors — over twenty! Yikes!

There was no way to get the changes made before release, so I launched the first novel with the uncorrected map, and then my mapmaker and I both seemed to forget about making the changes. I finally remembered and nudged him, and now I have the final, true map in all its glory. Behold in awe.

Most of the changes won’t matter to readers until they get later in the series, but when you do you’ll be glad to see that Xlatleb is actually on the same continent as Xlaca. Since Xlatleb is the capital of Xlaca, the original version of the map would have had you very confused! 🙂

The world of the Atomic Sea.

The world of the Atomic Sea.
